3 Şubat 2015 Salı

(Oxford)Chapter 1:Scintilla and Horatia at home

Scintilla in casā labōrat.Scintilla fessa est.Horātia in casam intrat.Horātia iēiūna est.sed cēna nōn parāta est.Scintilla festīnat et mox cēna est parāta.

"ecce!!" inquit."cēna est parāta" inquit.puella laeta est; ad mēnsam festīnat et avidē cēnat.

postrīdīe Scintilla ad tabernās ambulat.Horātia in casā labōrat.mox Scintilla redit et in casam intrat.ecce , parāta est cēna.Scintilla laeta est.

Scintilla works in the house.Scintilla is tired.Horatia enters into the house.Horatia is hungry.But meal is not ready.Scintilla hurries and meal is ready soon.

She says "look!!".She says "meal is ready".Girl is happy;Girl hurries to table and greedily dines.

The next day Scintilla walks to the shop.Horatia works in the house.Soon Scintilla returns and enters in the house.Look, meal is ready.Scintilla is happy.


1-In Latin the verb often comes at the ends of its sentence.

2-Latin has no word for the (definite article) and a (indefinite article).

3-Latin has only one form for the present tense.

labōrat:"She/he works" or "She/he is working".


in casā : in home
habito : inhabit , dwell 
puer : boy ,child
labōrat : to work
fessa : tired
est : to be (am ,is ,are)
in casam : into the house
intrat : to enter
iēiūna : hungry
sed : but
cēna : meal
nōn : non , not
parāta : ready
festīnat : to hurry
et : and
mox : soon
ecce : look
inquit : to say
puella : girl
laeta : happy
ad mēnsam : to the table
avidē : greedily
cēnat : to dine
postrīdīe : the nextday
ad tabernās : to tho shop
ambulat : to work
redit : to return


fēmina festīnat           (fēmina : woman)

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